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Esophageal Cancer Treatment

Esophageal cancer affects your food pipe and can have life-threatening implications. In most cases, patients do not experience noticeable symptoms until cancer has spread substantially. We offer comprehensive esophageal cancer treatment in Gurgaon, Delhi, helping you tackle the issue with care and precision.

From initial diagnosis to final esophageal cancer treatment, we ensure that the patients are treated with the utmost care and attention. We use state-of-the-art technology to tackle tumors and help you regain control over your life.

What Is Esophageal Cancer?

Esophageal cancer is a cancer that starts in the tissue of your esophagus (food pipe). Your esophagus is a long muscular tube that moves food and water from your throat to your stomach. Esophageal cancer occurs when a cancerous tumor starts developing in your esophagus and spreads to other parts of your body.

Esophageal cancer is the result of cancerous cells in your esophageal tissue multiplying, resulting in a tumor. It is aggressive cancer that can be fatal if not tackled on time.

Esophageal cancers belonging to early stages are often removed by doctors by performing surgeries. On the other hand, more advanced tumors need procedures like radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy. Most cases of esophageal cancer are realized only when cancer starts spreading. This makes it important for patients to seek medical help if they experience even slight trouble swallowing food.

Types Of Esophageal Cancer

There are two major types of esophageal cancer – adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.


Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of esophageal cancer. It takes shape in the tissue that forms mucus to help you swallow your food. Generally, this cancer affects the lower portion of your esophagus.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the squamous cells lining your esophagus. Generally, this cancer affects the middle and upper portions of your esophagus.

What Are The Symptoms Of Esophageal Cancer?

Here are some of the most common symptoms of esophageal cancer:

  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Coughing up or vomiting blood
  • Heartburn
  • Hoarse voice
  • Chronic cough
  • Sudden and unexplained weight loss

It is important to note that the early stages of esophageal cancer may show little to no symptoms. Make sure you consult a doctor to seek esophageal cancer treatment if you experience any of these symptoms for a longer period of time. Your esophagus is a flexible organ and keeps expanding until it reaches a limit as your tumor grows. This is why you do not experience its symptoms during the early stages.

What Causes Esophageal Cancer?

Medical experts are still looking for the precise cause of esophageal cancer. However, here are a few major risk factors that increase your chances of having esophageal cancer:

Excessive Tobacco Consumption

Tobacco is one of the biggest and most notorious carriers of carcinogens. Excessive tobacco consumption, especially via smoking, increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

Alcohol Abuse

Prolonged alcohol abuse also increases the risk of esophageal cancer in people of all ages. Excessive alcohol consumption creates a conducive environment for cancerous cells to multiply and form a tumor in the patient’s esophageal tissue.


Obesity may lead to unwanted inflammation within your esophagus, increasing the risk of esophageal cancer. It is always advisable to maintain an ideal body weight to stay away from such health complications.

Barrett’s Esophagus

Barret’s esophagus is a condition resulting from a change in the cells located at the lower end of your esophagus. This issue often arises due to chronic and untreated acid reflux. If ignored, Barret’s esophagus can lead to esophageal cancer.

Medical History

Patients with a history of cancer in regions around the neck or head are more prone to esophageal cancer.

Esophageal Cancer: Diagnosis

Once you visit your doctor after experiencing symptoms hinting toward esophageal cancer, they will ask you questions regarding the same. Depending on the initial assessment, they may suggest one or more of the following diagnostic tests:

  • CT Scan – A CT scan helps doctors image your tumor and see if it has spread to your chest or abdomen.
  • Barium Swallow – This is a procedure of conducting an X-ray of your esophagus. Here, you will be asked to drink a liquid with barium, allowing the doctor to have a clear look at your esophagus.
  • EGD – EGD is a form of endoscopy where the doctor uses a thin and flexible tube to look within your esophagus for a tumor.
  • Esophageal Endoscopic Ultrasound – This is a diagnostic test where sound waves are used to create images of your esophagus, allowing your doctor to have a look inside the organ.
  • Biopsy – Biopsy involves removing a small section of your esophageal tissue and examining it for cancer.

Esophageal Cancer Treatment

Once diagnosed, your doctor will suggest the best esophageal cancer treatment according to the severity and stage of the cancer.

Here are a few major esophageal cancer treatment procedures used to tackle the problem:

  • Surgery – Surgery is the most common treatment procedure for the earlier stages of esophageal cancer. It involves getting rid of the tumor by removing a part of the whole of your esophagus. Doctors can create a new esophagus within your body by stretching a part of your stomach to your chest and neck.
  • Radiation Therapy – If your esophageal cancer has entered an advanced stage, it may require radiation therapy to be treated. Here, the cancerous cells are destroyed by aiming a radiation beam at them.
  • Chemotherapy – Chemotherapy is another esophageal cancer treatment procedure ideal for the more advanced stages. Here, doctors use anti-cancer drugs to destroy the tumor and prevent it from growing any further.
  • Endoscopic Laser Therapy – This treatment involves tackling esophageal tumors with the help of laser, easing activities like swallowing food and water for the patient.
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) – PDT is an esophageal cancer treatment that involves destroying the tumor using drugs called photosensitizers. These drugs are activated by light and create a chemical reaction against the tumor in your esophagus.
  • Targeted Therapy – Targeted therapy involves curing esophageal cancer by targeting the HER2 protein, a protein that allows the tumor to grow.


Esophageal cancer is a very rare type of cancer, making it very dangerous for patients. The global survival rate of patients suffering from esophageal cancer can range from 5% to 47%. It is, therefore, important to detect and diagnose the cancer as early as possible to start the treatment.

Minimally invasive treatment is one of the latest and most effective ways to tackle an issue as serious as esophageal cancer. Dr Parveen Yadav offers this esophageal cancer treatment in Gurgaon to remove or destroy cancerous tumors in the patients’ food pipes.
Dr Yadav also leverages modern technologies to provide robotic surgical oncology treatment to his patients suffering from esophageal cancer. These procedures increase the efficiency of cancer treatment and provide patients with a new lease on their lives!

Here are some of the most common first signs of esophageal cancer:
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Cheat pain
  • A burning sensation in the chest
  • Coughing
  • Hoarseness in voice
  • Indigestion
Patients in the initial stages of esophageal cancer often fail to detect the seriousness of the issue, ending up making matters worse. If you are looking for comprehensive esophageal cancer treatment in Gurgaon, you can approach us for a consultation with Dr Parveen Yadav.

If the patient is at lower esophageal cancer stages, doctors recommend surgery as the best treatment procedure. As the issue worsens, they may recommend other procedures (in isolation or combined with surgery), such as chemotherapy, laser therapy, immunotherapy, chemoradiation therapy, etc.

Surgery may not be recommended for patients with a large tumor in their food pipes, making its surgical removal difficult. In such cases, procedures like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and chemoradiation therapy are recommended to tackle the issue. Here, the cancerous tumor is destroyed through radiation and chemicals, restoring the food pipe’s functioning.
However, all esophageal cancer treatments need to be performed with high precision as the risk to the patient’s health is fairly high. Considering this, Dr Parveen Yadav at Chest Surgery India leverages modern technologies to ensure efficient and precise esophageal cancer treatment in Gurgaon.

Compared to most cancers, esophageal cancer spreads at a much slower rate. This is another reason why most patients do not realize the issue’s seriousness until the symptoms get much worse. The cancerous tumor may grow for multiple years before the patient feels the symptoms. However, once the tumor gets bigger, it can seep into the organs and deep tissues in and around the food pipe.

While there are no guaranteed preventive measures to avoid esophageal cancer, healthcare experts have reported people consuming excessive tobacco and alcohol are more likely to encounter the disease. It is also advisable to keep gastric influx in check to keep the symptoms of esophageal cancer at bay.
